AIT Welcomes Prof. Soni M. Pradhanang for an Insightful Seminar and Collaborative Discussions

July 25, 2024 – Prof. Soni M. Pradhanang from the University of Rhode Island, USA, delivered a compelling lecture at the Milton Bender Auditorium, AIT. The lecture, titled “Combining Observational and Modeling Approaches to Estimation of the Watershed Contribution to the Water and Nutrients in Coastal Environments,” drew a diverse audience of scholars and students eager to explore the complex interactions between watersheds and coastal waters.

Prof. Pradhanang emphasized the importance of an interdisciplinary approach that integrates direct contaminant discharge monitoring with advanced modeling techniques. She explained that this combined strategy is crucial for accurately evaluating the effects on nutrient budgets and water quality as water flows from highlands to oceans.

Addressing the critical challenges faced by coastal environments, Prof. Pradhanang presented her latest research, which focuses on the feasibility and effectiveness of nature-based solutions through advanced data collection methods and numerical modeling. She elaborated on various techniques used to detect the concentration of radioactive contaminants in groundwater through spatial surveys and the analysis of satellite and drone-based survey data. These methodologies are essential for identifying hotspots of high contaminant concentrations in groundwater, which is vital for determining suitable and cost-effective water treatment solutions. This research is particularly significant as 30% of the US population relies on coastal wells for drinking water.

During her lecture, Prof. Pradhanang announced three exciting PhD openings at the University of Rhode Island. These positions will concentrate on the economic viability and analysis of nature-based solutions, the use of remote sensing and GIS in coastal aquifers, and the development of augmented reality/virtual reality tools for stakeholder management in coastal environments. The announcement was met with great enthusiasm from students eager to explore these new academic opportunities. AIT expressed gratitude to Prof. Pradhanang for offering these valuable opportunities to their students.

Following the lecture, an engaging question-and-answer session was held, allowing attendees to interact directly with Prof. Pradhanang and delve deeper into the topics discussed. This interactive session facilitated a robust exchange of ideas and addressed specific queries from the audience.

Ms. Anjelica P. Ancheta, a PhD student in the Water Engineering and Management (WEM) program, shared her thoughts on the seminar. “Prof. Pradhanang’s lecture was incredibly enlightening, particularly with the rapid development and application of remote sensing technologies. Her insights into classic water quality issues and challenges in data-scarce regions were invaluable. The opportunities for PhD students, especially in augmented reality, are exciting,” she commented.

After the seminar, a productive meeting was held in the SET Meeting Room. The AIT delegation, including Prof. Sangam Shrestha, Dean of the School of Engineering and Technology (SET); Dr. Ekbordin Winijkul, Head of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering; Prof. Mukand S. Babel, faculty of the Water Engineering and Management (WEM) Program; Dr. Natthachet Tangdamrongsub, faculty of WEM; Dr. Mohana Sundaram Shanmugam, faculty of WEM; Dr. Wenchao Xue, faculty of the Environmental Engineering and Management Program; Ms. Alistina Shrestha, Manager – Marketing, Recruitment & Digital Strategy, SET; and Ms. Rojina Shrestha, Business Development and Communication Officer, WEM, engaged in discussions with Prof. Pradhanang

The discussions explored potential collaborations between AIT and the University of Rhode Island, including faculty exchange programs to share expertise and enhance joint research initiatives. There was also significant focus on developing dual degree programs, allowing students to benefit from the academic resources and strengths of both institutions. Collaborative research projects, particularly in water quality and coastal management, were another key topic. These projects aim to leverage the strong research capabilities of both institutions to address global challenges related to water resources and environmental sustainability. After the meeting, Prof. Pradhanang visited the Global Water and Sanitation Center to further discuss potential collaborations.

AIT extends its sincere thanks to Prof. Pradhanang for sharing her expertise and to all attendees for their participation. We look forward to future collaborations and the exciting opportunities they will bring.