IREM Laboratory (Soil and Water Lab)

Irrigation Laboratory
The irrigation laboratory is well equipped to support research in irrigation engineering and water quality investigation. It consists of soil and water laboratory, irrigation experimental field, and hydrometeorological station.
Soil and Water Laboratory
The soil and water laboratory is equipped with facilities for conducting research and laboratory experiments on soil physics, soil surveying, surface and groundwater water quality investigations and analyses, and determination of water and chemical transport parameters through unsaturated and saturated soils.
Hydrometeorological Station
Hydrometeorological station consists of automatic weather station and traditional meteorological equipments for monitoring meteorological, soil and other environmental parameters. The parameters monitored by automatic weather station and other conventional meteorological equipments include:
- Soil and air temperature
- Rainfall
- Air humidity
- Wind velocity
- Solar radiation
- Soil moisture
- Groundwater level
- Evaporation
Equipments for Soil Survey and Soil Physical Properties Analysis
A complete set of standard and advanced equipments is available for soil survey and soil physical properties analysis. Some of the equipments for soil sampling, soil survey, and soil physical properties analysis include:
- Core soil samplers
- Hot air oven
- Tensiometers
- Time Domain Reflectometers
- Field lysimeters
- Double ring infiltrometers
- Guelph permeameter
- Sieve analyser
- Pressure plate apparatus
Equipment for Water Quality Measurements
Advanced water quality measurement meters are available for measuring pH, temperature, electrical conductivity (EC), salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and total dissolved solids (TDS).